Bible Questions Asked
  • 48 prophecies fulfilled at Christ's first coming
  • 5 basic principles to live by
  • 5 steps to recover a wayward child
  • 6 questions to ask yourself when measuring your spiritual growth
  • 7 areas of stewardship
  • 7 characteristics of God
  • 7 concepts of the Fear of the Lord
  • 7 foundations of the church
  • 7 Judgments
  • 7 Members of the Household of God
  • 7 Spiritual Blessings in Ephesians
  • 7 Things God Loves/7 Things God Hates
  • 7 things you lose when you lose your Bible
  • 8 new things under the sun for a Christian
  • 9 gates in Nehemiah
  • Anointing of God's Holy Spirit - What are the signs of this?
  • An unsaved person is without what four things?
  • Any significance to the frogs in Greece?
  • Are fallen angels bound up in Orion's Belt?
  • Are giant-sized people born today descendants of Goliath?
  • Are John the Baptist and the apostle John the same person?
  • Are more frequent earthquakes a sign of the end times?
  • Are near death experiences possible?
  • Are Shem and Melchizedek the same person?
  • Are "stolen waters" referring to a man and woman who should not be together?
  • Are the cheribums still guarding the Garden of Eden?
  • Are there any Biblical convictions, or are they just personal preferences?
  • Are there any parallels between the American Indians and what happened to the Jews?
  • Are there different levels of hell?
  • Are there verses that show the Church leaves before the Tribulation?
  • Are we in and out of fellowship all day long with God?
  • At the Rapture, what happens to babies?
  • At the Rapture, which of the religions will cease and which will continue?
  • Before Christ came, where did people go after they died?
  • Before the New Testament was written, did Jesus exist in Heaven?
  • Biblical perspective about Haiti
  • Can a father baptize his child, or should baptism only be done by a pastor?
  • Cannibalism
  • Can people be hypnotized?
  • Can we trust the Bible even though we don't have the original meaning?
  • Can you lose your salvation?
  • Catholic Church child abuse situation
  • Catholic Church is built on 5 concepts
  • Church Triumphant vs Church Militant
  • David's Mighty Men of Valor
  • Dead Sea Scrolls
  • Dean Hays
  • Define definitive verse
  • Define the philosophies in Ecclesiastes
  • Definition of the legal terms in Psalms
  • Did Adam always have blood in his veins?
  • Did Adam and Eve go to hell?
  • Did dinosaurs exist?
  • Did Enoch ever get the Kingdom of Heaven?
  • Did God use King James because he had a Jewish name?
  • Did Hitler have 12 apostles?
  • Did Judas have remorse for killing Jesus?
  • Did the angels that went with Lucifer look like Christ?
  • Did the Bible prophesize about 9-11?
  • Did the Holy Spirit have a different role in the Old Testament?
  • Did the land masses used to be together?
  • Different types of laughter in the Bible
  • Do all numbers mean something in the Bible?
  • Do angels have a purpose in the church age?
  • Do animals have a place in Heaven?
  • Do animals have souls?
  • Do Christians have guardian angels?
  • Do Church of Christ members believe they're the only ones who are going to Heaven?
  • Do clouds represent anything in the Bible?
  • Doctrines from Sunday
  • Does David have to eat of the Tree of Life?
  • Does God open and close wombs today like he did in the Old Testament?
  • Does God speak to us today through dreams?
  • Does Job 12:7-17 go along with the flood in Genesis?
  • Does Joshua's name change in Numbers 13:16?
  • Does myrrh refer to death?
  • Does the Bible give any indication on what month the Rapture will take place?
  • Does the Bible mention zombies?
  • Does the Bible say anything about the moon affecting people's behavior?
  • Does the Bible talk about dinosaurs?
  • Does the covenant of circumcision still apply in the New Testament?
  • Does the devil get another chance after the Millenium?
  • Does the devil have the power to influence our choices?
  • Do Jews have to trust Christ in the Tribulation?
  • Do Jews today know they're in captivity?
  • Do people who practice witchcraft or devil worship have any power?
  • Do religious leaders have "higher powers"?
  • Do the rivers in Genesis 2:10-14 represent anything?
  • Do we, as believers, have the power to cast out demons?
  • Do we know for sure when Jesus was born?
  • Do we know when Christ was born?
  • Do we still need to obey the Old Testament laws?
  • During the captivity, how did people get God's righteousness?
  • Explain Biblical fasting
  • Explain Biblical separation
  • Explain casting lots
  • Explain Daniel's 70th Week
  • Explain fasting
  • Explain how Christ was separated from God at the crucifixion
  • Explain our liberty as Christians (Galatians 5)
  • Explain predestination
  • Explain standing and state
  • Explain the age of accountability
  • Explain the events that took place in Genesis 1:1-18
  • Explain the geocentric theory
  • Explain the judgment of the nations
  • Explain the keys to the Kingdom in Matthew 16
  • Explain the New World Order and if it's found in the Bible?
  • Explain the second half of I John 5:17
  • Explain the two lines of Bibles
  • Explain the unholy trinity
  • Explain the will of God
  • Explain what Armageddon is
  • Explain what the different names of God mean
  • Explain when the Kingdom of Heaven comes in and out of power
  • Explain who Michael and Gabriel are
  • Explain why we sleep
  • Glorified bodies (I John 3:1-3)
  • Godly sorrow
  • God opening and closing wombs
  • God's hand in World War I
  • How are we judged as sinners, sons and servants?
  • How bad will the Tribulation be?
  • How can we say we're "one nation under God” when God's nation is Israel?
  • How did salvation work during the 400 silent years?
  • How did the kings in the Old Testament behave badly if their father behaved good?
  • How did they choose the tomb to put Jesus in?
  • How did we get our King James Bible?
  • How does God get light (John 1:9) to people?
  • How does God handle someone who waits until their deathbed to get saved?
  • How does Israel marry God? How does the church marry Jesus Christ?
  • How does Revelation 12 breakdown?
  • How does the antichrist know who he is and when to take power?
  • How does the KOG & KOH affect Jews?
  • How do the 400 silent years apply to us today?
  • How do we earn our crowns?
  • How do we keep going when people don't do what's right and apply Bible principles?
  • How do we know that children under the age of accountability will go to heaven?
  • How do we know that Paul wrote Hebrews since it's so different than all his other books?
  • How do we know that the flood happened in 2340 BC?
  • How do we know when Jesus was born?
  • How do we minister to the Lord?
  • How do we relate Gog and Magog to Russia?
  • How do you balance studying the Bible without getting overwhelmed?
  • How do you deal with people who think we're going through the Tribulation?
  • How do you deal with the discussions on the Rapture?
  • How do you determine a type or picture in the Bible?
  • How do you do a Bible character study?
  • How do you explain to someone that knowing Greek and Hebrew isn't necessary when it comes to understanding the Bible?
  • How do you explain where God came from?
  • How do you handle sexual questions from a 6 year old?
  • How do you know that Adam was not with Eve when Satan came in Genesis 3?
  • How do you know when God is chastising you for something?
  • How do you know which people in the Bible represent certain things?
  • How do you reason with someone who thinks they're demon-possessed?
  • How do you relate the Feast of Tabernacles with Christ's birthday?
  • How do you respond to people who have doubts about God?
  • How do you respond to someone who says that you should not judge them?
  • How do you witness to a Jew?
  • How do you witness to someone who believes they can lose their salvation?
  • How many animals were on Noah's ark?
  • How many Jews will remain at the Second Coming?
  • How many siblings did Jesus have?
  • How many types of God the Father and the Holy Spirit are there?
  • How much responsibility do we have in getting someone saved?
  • How old was John the Apostle when he wrote Revelation?
  • How powerful are our words?
  • How should you witness to an atheist?
  • How to Put Notes in Your Bible part 1
  • How to Put Notes in Your Bible part 2
  • How to Put Notes in Your Bible part 3
  • How to Put Notes in Your Bible part 4
  • How to Put Notes in Your Bible part 5
  • How to Put Notes in Your Bible part 6
  • How to Put Notes in Your Bible part 7
  • How will Jews know that the anti-christ is not the Messiah in the Tribulation?
  • How would a Gentile get saved, after the death of Christ but before Acts 7?
  • If a Christian is ill and has prayed for a cure and doesn't get well, what are they supposed to do?
  • If a saved person donates their organs, after they die what happens to those organs?
  • If Christ died for the sins of the world, why doesn't everyone get into Heaven?
  • If Constantine made people Bishops at the Council of Nicaea, did they have a title before that?
  • If Satan and his demons are already on earth, what comes out of Orion during the Tribulation?
  • If someone has never heard the gospel, will they go to hell when they die?
  • If the Israelites would have accepted Christ at His First Coming, would there have been a Tribulation Period?
  • If the Lord comes back at the Second Coming, what's the purpose for the Rapture?
  • If there a definitive verse/chapter/book on God?
  • If the serpent is a picture of the devil, why did Moses have a serpent on his staff?
  • If we can find dinosaur bones, why can't we find satyr bones?
  • If you listen to secular music but tune out the words, does it still affect you?
  • If you're saved and commit suicide, do you still go to heaven when you die?
  • If you were in the Tribulation and you died for God, would you go to heaven?
  • Image of God vs Likeness of God
  • In eternity, will people be naked like Adam and Eve were?
  • In Exodus 5-12, why was Pharaoh’s heart hardened?
  • In Heaven, will we see the Trinity?
  • In the book of Proverbs, are the words "riches" and "wealth" interchangeable?
  • In the Tribulation, will the antichrist only attack orthodox Jews?
  • I Peter 2:12-16 - Explain this passage
  • I Peter 4:10 - What is the manifold grace of God?
  • Is 33 the perfect age to have children?
  • Is being late a sin?
  • Is David the only one reigning with Christ in the Millenium?
  • Is everyone given a "thorn in the flesh" like Paul? II Corinthians 12:7
  • Is it a sin to get tattoos?
  • Is it a wrong motivation to work for God in order to get rewards?
  • Is it okay for Christians to play with Ouija Boards?
  • Is it possible to redeem the time you wasted before you got saved?
  • Is it wrong for a Christian to be cremated?
  • Is it wrong for a Christian to be cremated?
  • Is Moses the only Old Testament Jew named by a Gentile?
  • Isn't it true that God doesn't know unsaved people?
  • Is Rahab the harlot the same person as Matthew 1:5?
  • Is the antichrist alive at this time?
  • Is the Holy Spirit gone during the Tribulation?
  • Is the phrase the "third day" always a reference to the 2nd coming?
  • Is there a feast that goes along with the Rapture?
  • Is there a head seraphim?
  • Is there a list of questions that God will ask people at the Great White Throne Judgment of every occupation?
  • Is there any Bible significance to all the birds and fish dying lately?
  • Is there anything in the Bible on North Korea being at war?
  • Is there a period of time between the Rapture and the Tribulation Period?
  • Is there a time during our day when we're not sinning?
  • Is there such a thing as a "heavenly prayer language"?
  • Is what the Pope says considered prophecy?
  • Jude 1:9 - Why were they disputing about Moses' body?
  • Kingdom of Heaven vs Kingdom of God
  • Kings of Israel Breakdown part 1
  • Kings of Israel Breakdown part 2
  • Kings of Israel Breakdown part 3
  • Layout the 10 principles Philippians is built around
  • Losing your inheritance
  • Music
  • Permissive will vs directive will
  • Q&A - Pillars 1-4
  • Pillars 1, 2 - Kingdom of Heaven and Kingdom of God
  • Pillar 3 - Doctrine of Creation
  • Pillar 4 - Nation of Israel
  • Pillar 5 - Doctrine of the Church
  • Pillar 6 - Doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ
  • Pillar 7 - Doctrine of Christ
  • Rainbow
  • Should Christians vote?
  • Should tithing be the standard for giving in the New Testament church?
  • Since we're made in God's image, why are we responsible for the bad things we do?
  • Son of Man vs Son of God
  • Spiritual Gifts clarifying questions
  • Spiritual gifts given to the apostles
  • Star of Bethlehem
  • tempting vs trying
  • To become a Jew, do you have to go before a council?
  • Two Lines of Bibles
  • United Nations recognizing Palestine as a nation
  • Was Adolf Hitler ex-communicated from the Catholic Church?
  • Was Bathsheba supposed to be killed for committing adultery?
  • Was it God who died on the cross, or Jesus the man?
  • Was Luke a Gentile?
  • Was Paul blind?
  • Was Paul ever married?
  • Was the constitution inspired by God?
  • Were the earlier translations of the Textus Receptus inspired by God?
  • Were there "cavemen"?
  • What about premonitions from dreams?
  • What about Satan's influence over unsaved people's dreams?
  • What are "groves"?
  • What are some verses on balance?
  • What are some verses on the Rapture of the Church?
  • What are the 2 sides to the devil (from Sunday's sermon)?
  • What are the 3 institutions that God ordained?
  • What are the 3 verses on the unholy trinity?
  • What are the 3 visions for our church?
  • What are the 4 spirits on the earth?
  • What are the 4 types of laughter in the Bible?
  • What are the 5 stages of child training?
  • What are the 5 things that will get you naked at the Judgment Seat?
  • What are the 6 main verses to lead someone to Christ with?
  • What are the 6 questions that are going to be asked at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
  • What are the 6 questions that are going to be asked at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
  • What are the 7 baptisms?
  • What are the 7 changes to the earth?
  • What are the 7 Covenants?
  • What are the 7 definitive passages on the 7 Judgments?
  • What are the 7 functions of the Holy Spirit?
  • What are the 7 functions of the Holy Spirit?
  • What are the 7 furnishings in the Tabernacle?
  • What are the 7 members of the household of God?
  • What are the 7 spirits of God?
  • What are the 7 Spirits of God?
  • What are the 7 things a successful church needs?
  • What are the 7 things God loves?
  • What are the 7 things that God rejoices over?
  • What are the 7 things they rejoice over in heaven?
  • What are the 7 things we're told not to be ignorant of?
  • What are the 10 questions you ask someone to see if they understand the Bible?
  • What are the 11 dispensations in the Bible?
  • What are the 12 doctrines of salvation?
  • What are the 12 mysteries to the Israelites?
  • What are the 12 new things above the sun?
  • What are the 13 abominations that come out of the heart?
  • What are the 21 types of Christ found in the Old Testament?
  • What are the Babylonian Peniform Tablets?
  • What are the Baptist distinctives?
  • What are the "dark sayings" in Proverbs 1:6?
  • What are the Proverbs that go along with the kings of Israel?
  • What are the questions we will be asked at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
  • What are the signs of a demon-possessed person?
  • What bodily form are the two angels in Genesis 18:2 in?
  • What book of the Bible lines up with Sardis?
  • What countries are Gog and Magog?
  • What did Adam and Eve look like before they ate the fruit?
  • What did Jesus do between the time he died and resurrected?
  • What does Beulah mean?
  • What does it mean to "fear the Lord"?
  • What does it mean when God uses the phrase "fair to look upon"?
  • What does the Bible say about capital punishment?
  • What does the Bible say about casinos and gambling and is investing in the stock market considered gambling?
  • What does the Bible say about drinking wine?
  • What does the Bible say about listening to secular music?
  • What does the Bible say about predestination and election?
  • What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues?
  • What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues?
  • What does the Bible say about suicide?
  • What does the image of the unholy trinity look like?
  • What does the phrase "God gets the honor and glory" mean?
  • What does the phrase "Lord willing" mean?
  • What does the phrase the "testimony of Jesus" mean?
  • What does the term "the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men" mean?
  • What do Scientologists believe?
  • What do you say to people who believe in polytheism?
  • What fruit did Eve eat?
  • What fruit did Eve eat?
  • What happens at the Marriage of the Lamb?
  • What happens to a Christian after they die?
  • What happens to a Christian after they die?
  • What is a Bible principle?
  • What is Abraham's Bosom?
  • What is a holy kiss?
  • What is a leviathan?
  • What is an oracle?
  • What is apologetics and hermeneutics?
  • What is a "wave" offering and a "heave" offering?
  • What is coming in the future to America?
  • What is Enoch a type of?
  • What is God's definition of when life begins and ends?
  • What is Lazarus a type of in John 11?
  • What is Shekinah Glory?
  • What is "soul sleep"?
  • What is "soul sleep"?
  • What is the "abomination of desolation"?
  • What is the Book of Enoch?
  • What is the Book of Joshua about?
  • What is the correct way to pray?
  • What is the covenant of salt in II Chronicles 13:5?
  • What is the criteria for being an apostle?
  • What is the definitive chapter on New Jerusalem?
  • What is the definitive verse for "blessed"?
  • What is the definitive verse on sin?
  • What is the definitive verse on sin?
  • What is the definitive verse on the Tribulation Saints?
  • What is the difference between God's grace and God's mercy?
  • What is the difference between sins and works?
  • What is the difference between the Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven?
  • What is the difference between the Philadelphia church age and the Laodicean church age?
  • What is the doctrinal application of the pool at Bethesda in John 5?
  • What is the "first resurrection" in Revelation 20:5-6?
  • What is the history of the Free Masons?
  • What is the Judgment Seat of Christ?
  • What is the Koran?
  • What is the mark of the beast?
  • What is the Marriage of the Lamb?
  • What is the Millenial Reign of Christ?
  • What is the process of becoming a proselyte Jew?
  • What is the proper way to present the gospel to a lost person?
  • What is the purpose of fasting?
  • What is the role of the 12 apostles in the Millenium?
  • What is the significance of Job's kids coming back in Job 42?
  • What is the significance of Melchizedek?
  • What is the significance of the words "like" and "as" in the Bible?
  • What is the teaching for the church on marriage, divorce and remarriage?
  • What is the time span between Abraham and Jacob?
  • What is the Torah?
  • What is the unpardonable sin?
  • What is the Urim and Thummim?
  • What is the whirlwind in Ezekiel 1:4?
  • What is the woman's role in the church, as far as leadership and preaching and teaching?
  • What level of power does the devil have today?
  • What's the difference between a Jew, Gentile, Israelite and a Hebrew?
  • What's the difference between a Jewish day and a Gentile day?
  • What's the difference between a trespass offering and a sin offering?
  • What's the difference between free will and predestination?
  • What's the difference between having a heart knowledge and head knowledge of salvation?
  • What's the difference between knowledge, wisdom and understanding?
  • What's the difference between Methodist and Baptist beliefs?
  • What's the difference between the 4 gospels?
  • What's the difference between the Geneva Bible and the King James Bible?
  • What's the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost?
  • What's the difference between the torture in Hell and the torture in the Lake of Fire?
  • What's the difference between Zion and Sion?
  • What's the function of each of the 3 heavens?
  • What's the significance of dragons in the Bible?
  • What's up with Holy Ghost possession and talking in tongues?
  • What was Goliath? Where did he come from?
  • What was the world like before Adam?
  • What will happen to our physical body at the Rapture of the Church?
  • What will stop in eternity?
  • When a Christian is depressed, is it because God's plan is that they get strengthened in their faith?
  • When did Abraham become a Hebrew?
  • When did Paul receive his "thorn in the flesh" (II Corin 12:7)?
  • When Eve was tempted, was the serpent a manifestation of Satan or Satan?
  • When/How does the anti-christ get killed?
  • When Israel goes into the Promised Land, why are Joshua and Caleb the two to lead them?
  • When Lucifer fell, did the angels who went with him make that choice? Or were they forced to go with him?
  • When people pass away, where are they right now?
  • When the anti-christ comes, who will be deceived?
  • When was the right time for Jesus to be king?
  • When we stand before God at the Judgment Seat of Christ, how will we recall the things we did in our earthly bodies?
  • When will the Temple in Jerusalem be rebuilt?
  • Where did all of the animals come from that did not get on Noah's Ark?
  • Where did God come up with the 10 Commandments?
  • Where did Jesus' body go after he died?
  • Where did the Nation of Israel get their supplies to make the Tabernacle?
  • Where did the term dispensation come from?
  • Where does the word Bible come from?
  • Where do people get the idea of purgatory?
  • Where do the 144,000 come from?
  • Where do the different races come from?
  • Where in the Bible does it say that every nation will turn on Jerusalem?
  • Where in the Bible does it talk about what Jesus looked like?
  • Where in the Bible does John listen to God's heartbeat?
  • Where is Hell located and are there different levels?
  • Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
  • Where is the Ark of the Covenant today?
  • Where is the Lake of Fire located?
  • Where is the principle "if you want to keep it, you have to give it away" found in the Bible?
  • Where was Noah's ark built?
  • Who are the 18 types of anti-christ?
  • Who are the 18 types of antichrist?
  • Who are the 24 elders in Revelation?
  • Who are the apostles to the church?
  • Who are the people getting out of line during the Millenium?
  • Who are the two men with the Lord in Genesis 18:2?
  • Who do the 5 wisdom books represent?
  • Who gets a glorified body?
  • Who is the "elect lady" in II John 1:1?
  • Who is the remnant in Revelation 19:21?
  • Why are Christians called "saints"?
  • Why are some churches legalistic?
  • Why are the apostles called "Saints" in the titles of their gospels?
  • Why are there 5 crowns for Christians when 5 is the number of death?
  • Why are there no paragraph marks after Acts 20?
  • Why are there so many 7s in the Bible?
  • Why can God not hear unsaved people's prayers?
  • Why can't the carnal mind be subject to God?
  • Why did Abraham offer the ram and not a lamb in Genesis 22?
  • Why did God blind Paul in Acts 9:7-9?
  • Why did God choose a female judge?
  • Why did God destroy the earth twice with a flood?
  • Why did God have all the rules concerning death and dead bodies?
  • Why did God speak to Moses out of a burning bush?
  • Why did Noah curse Canaan and not Ham?
  • Why did they choose a calk to make out of gold?
  • Why do Catholics have extra books in their Bibles?
  • Why does Fred Phelps protest at funerals?
  • Why does God change someones name?
  • Why does God still call Israel Jacob after God had changed his name?
  • Why does God use Gideon, who was not part of the Nation of Israel?
  • Why does Jesus need to make intercession to God for us?
  • Why does Jesus tell people not to say anything about his miracles?
  • Why do homosexuals think they are born that way?
  • Why do Jews not work on Saturday?
  • Why do men in the Old Testament have multiple wives?
  • Why do some people pray to the "most honored parent"?
  • Why do we celebrate Christ's birth in December if he was born in September?
  • Why do you always find Judas Iscariot's full name mentioned?
  • Why is 666 associated with the devil?
  • Why is 666 the number of the anti-christ?
  • Why is abortion wrong if life doesn't begin until a baby takes its first breath?
  • Why is Baptist not a denomination?
  • Why is God obligated to hear us when we open up our hearts to him?
  • Why is Lucifer called a "ruler" in the Bible?
  • Why is Nebuchadnezzar's named spelled differently at times?
  • Why isn't Daniel mentioned in Hebrews 11?
  • Why is the earth God's footstool?
  • Why is the route of the Second Coming important?
  • Why is the Second Coming likened to different things?
  • Why was Ehud left-handed?
  • Why were Aaron's clothes given to his sons?
  • Why would God allow someone who is going to hell to be born?
  • Will God bring up our sins at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
  • Will people in eternity eat from the tree of life once, or many times?
  • Will people still sin in the Millenium?
  • Wise man vs foolish man
  • Would the Old Testament Jew have the same struggle with the flesh as we have today?

  • Genesis 1:1-1:2 gap
  • Genesis 1:26 vs Genesis 1:29 - One says "us" and another says "I"
  • Genesis 1:28 - What does God mean by "replenish"?
  • Genesis 1:5 - What is this "light"?
  • Genesis 1:6-8 - Why doesn't God say "it was good"?
  • Genesis 2:16 vs Genesis 3:3 - Why could Adam touch the tree and Eve couldn't?
  • Genesis 2:18-22 - Why did God wait to create Eve?
  • Genesis 2:18 - How is Adam "alone" when God met with him?
  • Genesis 2:24 - Why does it speak of leaving your father and mother, when neither Adam or Eve had any?
  • Genesis 2:7, 2:11 - Was Adam made up of gold dust?
  • Genesis 3:13 - What does beguile mean in this verse?
  • Genesis 3:14 - Is there a connection between the serpent eating dust and man coming from dust?
  • Genesis 3:24 vs Genesis 4:16 - Are these places close to one another?
  • Genesis 3:6 - Was Adam present when Eve ate the fruit?
  • Genesis 3:8 - Explain this verse
  • Genesis 4:24 - Why does he say Lamech will be avenged "seventy and sevenfold"?
  • Genesis 4:7 vs Genesis 3:16
  • Genesis 6:20 - Why does it say "his kind" for the creeping things?
  • Genesis 6:3 - What is God saying about the 120 years?
  • Genesis 6:4 - Can spiritual beings co-habit with physical beings?
  • Genesis 6:4 - Were these children born with souls?
  • Genesis 7:11 - What are the "fountains of the great deep"?
  • Genesis 7:2 - How do you get pairs with 7 animals?
  • Genesis 7:2 - What is the reason for 7 clean and 2 unclean animals?
  • Genesis 8:1 - Did God forget Noah?
  • Genesis 9:20-26 Why was Noah upset that Ham saw him naked?
  • Genesis 10:10 - How did Satan know Christ would be virgin born?
  • Genesis 10:5 - Where are the Jews here?
  • Genesis 12:13 vs Genesis 20:2
  • Genesis 14:14 - Why were his servants trained?
  • Genesis 15:8-12 - Explain Genesis 15:8-12
  • Genesis 19:26 - Why did Lot's wife turn into a pillar of salt?
  • Genesis 19:26 - Why did she turn into a pillar of salt?
  • Genesis 21:28 - What does this verse mean doctrinally?
  • Genesis 22:1 - "And it came to pass after these things"
  • Genesis 22:2 - Why does God say Abraham has only one son?
  • Genesis 24 - Layout the 19 principles on finding a help meet
  • Genesis 28:15 - What is "that which I have spoken to thee of"?
  • Genesis 28:17 - Explain Genesis 28:17
  • Genesis 35:29 - What does "gave up the ghost" mean?
  • Genesis 36:12 - What is a concubine?
  • Genesis 38:8-10 - Why was God displeased?
  • Genesis 46 - Why is "soul" used in the place of "son and daughter"?
  • Genesis 47:22 - Who are these priests?
  • Genesis 48:8 - Why did Joseph switch the herds?
  • Exodus outline
  • Exodus 4:24 - Why is Moses called a "bloody husband"?
  • Exodus 4:25-26 - Explain this passage
  • Exodus 6:12 - Why does Moses say his lips are "uncircumcised"?
  • Exodus 6:30 - Why does Moses say he has uncircumcised lips?
  • Exodus 8:17 - Why couldn't the magicians create lice?
  • Exodus 9:6-19 - What's the timeline of these events?
  • Exodus 10:13 - If God moves East to West, why does he bring the locusts from the West?
  • Exodus 18 - Jethro's counsel
  • Exodus 18 - What was wrong with Jethro's counsel?
  • Exodus 24:10 - Does this relate to the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17?
  • Exodus 28:30 - Why did God speak through the Urim and Thummim?
  • Exodus 28:41 - What does anoint, consecrate and sanctify mean?
  • Exodus 28 - the priest's garment
  • Exodus 31:17 - How is God "refreshed"?
  • Exodus 32:14 - Why does it say "God repented of the evil"?
  • Exodus 32:20 - Why did Moses make them drink the ground powder?
  • Leviticus outline
  • Leviticus 2:11 - Why is honey not allowed?
  • Leviticus 7:13 - Why are they offering leaven with this sacrifice?
  • Leviticus 10:31 - What is the "strange fire"?
  • Leviticus 21:16 - Can these priestly qualifications be applied to a Christian?
  • Leviticus 25 - What is the purpose of the year of jubilee?
  • Numbers outline
  • Numbers 3:15 - Why were the Levites numbered differently?
  • Numbers 5:11-31 - Explain this passage
  • Numbers 8:15-18 - Why did God choose the tribe of Levi to make up the priesthood?
  • Numbers 8:26 - Who is supposed to do this and who is not?
  • Numbers 12:1 - Why didn't God punish Aaron also?
  • Numbers 31:28 - Does this verse mean that animals do have souls?
  • Numbers 35:25 - Why abide until the death of the high priest?
  • Deuteronomy outline
  • Deuteronomy 10:13 - Why is there a question mark at the end of this verse?
  • Deuteronomy 14:26 - Is this saying it's okay to drink alcohol?
  • Deuteronomy 21:10-14 - How is this different from Solomon and his wives? Why did they shave her head?
  • Deuteronomy 21:1-9 - Explain what the red heifer is for
  • Deuteronomy 22:10-11 - Explain these verses
  • Deuteronomy 25:9 - Why would they spit in his face?
  • Deuteronomy 27:11-13 - Explain this passage
  • Deuteronomy 28:13 - Explain this verse
  • Deuteronomy 30:1-10 - Explain this passage
  • Deuteronomy 32:22 - What is the lowest hell?
  • Deuteronomy 32:27 - Why does God fear the wrath of the enemy?
  • Deuteronomy 34:5-6 - Who buried Moses?
  • Joshua outline
  • Joshua 1 - What are the 3 things God told Joshua to be?
  • Joshua 2 - Why was it okay to lie about hiding the spies? Why did God allow the Israelites to make an agreement with their enemy?
  • Joshua 4:1 - What does "clean passed over" mean?
  • Joshua 5:2 - What is the significance of the people being circumcised again?
  • Joshua 6:9 - What is "rereward"?
  • Joshua 8:18 - Why is it a spear and not a sword?
  • Joshua 10:13 - How did the earth stand still? What is the book of Jasher?
  • Joshua 20:3 - Who is the "avenger of blood"?
  • Joshua 24:30 vs Judges 2:9 - Are these the same names?
  • Judges outline
  • Judges 3:21-22 - What does "the dirt came out" mean?
  • Judges 4:8-9 - Why does Barak say this?
  • Judges 9 - What do these trees represent?
  • Judges 9:7-21 - Explain this passage
  • Ruth outline
  • I Samuel outline
  • I Samuel 1:12 - What does it mean that he "marked her mouth"?
  • I Samuel 1:24-28 - Are all the things that Hannah brought for an offering?
  • I Samuel 2:1-10
  • I Samuel 3:3 - What is Samuel a picture of doctrinally?
  • I Samuel 4:8 - Why does he say "Gods"?
  • I Samuel 16:14 - What is an evil spirit from the Lord?
  • I Samuel 16:15 - How does an evil spirit come from God?
  • I Samuel 16:23 - What is the evil spirit from God?
  • I Samuel 22:2 vs I Kings 22:6 - Is there any correlation to David having 400 men and Saul having 400 men?
  • I Samuel 26:9, Ezekiel 28:14 - Why are Saul and Satan called the Lord's anointed?
  • II Samuel outline
  • II Samuel 6:6 - Why did God kill Uzzah?
  • II Samuel 12:25 - Why did David call Solomon Jedidiah?
  • II Samuel 17:17 - Who is this Jonathan?
  • II Samuel 18:1 - Was David not supposed to number the people?
  • I Kings 8:9 - The Ark is missing 3 things, why?
  • I Kings 14:13 - What was the "good thing" that he saw in him?
  • I Kings 16:33 vs I Kings 18:19 - Why are the number of prophets different?
  • I Kings 19:19
  • I Kings 19 - first case of bi-polar in the Bible
  • I Kings 20:35-43 - Explain this passage
  • I Kings 22:43 - How can he walk with the Lord and still not remove the high places?
  • II Kings 2:13
  • II Kings 2:23-25 - Explain this story
  • II Kings 4:34-35 - How does this passage deal with salvation? What is the significance of sneezing?
  • II Kings 4:35 - Why did the boy sneeze 7 times?
  • II Kings 6:1-7 - What is the significance of the floating axe head?
  • II Kings 6:18 - Why did God smite them with blindness?
  • II Kings 8:26 vs II Chronicles 22:2
  • II Kings 9:35 - Why did the skull, feet and palms of Jezebel's body remain?
  • II Kings 13:21 - Explain this verse
  • I Chronicles 1:19 - What does it mean "the earth was divided"?
  • I Chronicles 5:2 - Why is Judah above his brothers?
  • I Chronicles 6:7-8 - Why is Ahaziah missing from the list?
  • I Chronicles 23:3 vs I Chronicles 23:27 - Numbered from 30 or 20 years and up
  • I Chronicles 28, 29 - charges David gave to Solomon
  • II Chronicles 6:26-27 - Is this a reference to the former and latter rain?
  • II Chronicles 12:14 - How do you prepare your heart to seek the Lord?
  • II Chronicles 16:11-12 vs I Kings 15:14 - How can you have a perfect heart, and then end your life having a disease in your feet?
  • II Chronicles 18:7 - Explain this passage
  • Ezra outline
  • Nehemiah 4:17-18 - Explain Nehemiah 4:17-18
  • Esther outline
  • Esther 1:12 - Why did Vashti refuse to come before the king?
  • Job outline
  • Job 1:1 - Where is Uz?
  • Job 1:5 - Why is Job sacrificing, when it wasn't required yet?
  • Job 1:6 - When Satan came to accuse Job, is there a parallel to when we will be judged?
  • Job 2:13 - Why did they sit with him 7 days?
  • Job 4:3-4 - Do these verses line up to the six questions in Job 26?
  • Job 5:2 - What's the difference between silly and foolish?
  • Job 13:15 - What does this verse teach?
  • Job 14:14 - What is the "change" Job is talking about?
  • Job 14:14 - What kind of body will Job have after death?
  • Job 14:17 - Explain this verse
  • Job 17:14 - Explain this verse
  • Job 19:26 - What is Job referring to when he says he will see God in his flesh?
  • Job 21:19 - Whose iniquity is he talking about?
  • Job 25:6 - Why does he say "worm"?
  • Job 26:5 - Explain this verse
  • Job 26:5 - What are the "dead things under the waters"?
  • Job 33:14 - Explain this verse
  • Job 38:22-23 What are the treasures of the hail and snow?
  • Job 38:33 - What's the significance to Orion?
  • Job 39:9 - Were there unicorns on earth at some point?
  • Job 41:34 - Explain the "children of pride"
  • Job 42:7-9 - Is this the same burnt offering as when they were under the law?
  • Psalms outline
  • Psalms 2:7 - What "day" is this?
  • Psalms 3:8 - What does "selah" mean?
  • Psalms 18:10 - Is this talking about Christ and the Second Coming?
  • Psalms 19:1-4 - Explain this passage
  • Psalms 19:31 Explain this verse
  • Psalms 23 - Why is this chapter recited at funerals?
  • Psalms 32:8 - How does God guide us with his eye?
  • Psalms 35:1, Psalms 119:154, 1st Samuel 24:15 - What is David's cause or what is our cause?
  • Psalms 43:3 - What is the "holy hill"?
  • Psalms 51:17 - Explain this verse
  • Psalms 51 - 5 aspects to repentance
  • Psalms 60:7-8 - Explain this passage
  • Psalms 66:18 - If you're out of fellowship with God, does he hear your prayers?
  • Psalms 76:10 - Explain this verse
  • Psalms 78:49 - What "evil angels" is he talking about?
  • Psalms 78:49 - Who are the evil angels?
  • Psalms 91:6 - Explain this verse
  • Psalms 91 - Is this a Tribulation Passage?
  • Psalms 93:12 - What are palm trees in the Bible?
  • Psalms 118:22 - Who is the stone?
  • Psalms 119:164 - Should we praise God 7 times a day?
  • Psalms 119:83 - Explain this verse
  • Psalms 119:83 - What is the "bottle in smoke"?
  • Psalms 119 - What are the words above each stanza?
  • Psalms 119 - What are the words between the verses?
  • Psalms 127 - Is this a Tribulation passage?
  • Psalms 139:15-16 - Explain this passage
  • Psalms 150 - How do you give praise to the Lord?
  • Proverbs outline
  • Proverbs 6:5 - Explain this verse
  • Proverbs 8:22-36 - Explain this passage
  • Proverbs 8:22 - Explain what "possessed me" and "brought forth" mean
  • Proverbs 9:1 - What are the 7 pillars?
  • Proverbs 9:17-18 - Explain Proverbs 9:17-18
  • Proverbs 11:25 - What is a "liberal" according to the Bible?
  • Proverbs 12:18-20 - Why does it keep going back and forth between good and bad attributes?
  • Proverbs 13:23 - Explain this verse
  • Proverbs 16:18-19 - What does "haughty" mean?
  • Proverbs 17:6 - Explain this verse
  • Proverbs 18:16 - What is the "man's gift"?
  • Proverbs 18:8 vs Proverbs 26:22
  • Proverbs 21:9 - Explain Proverbs 21:9
  • Proverbs 21:17 - Explain this verse
  • Proverbs 22:28, 23:10 - What are the landmarks?
  • Proverbs 24:16 - Explain this verse
  • Proverbs 24:1-7 - What is the difference between wisdom, knowledge and understanding?
  • Proverbs 24:30-34 - Explain this passage
  • Proverbs 24:9 - Explain this verse
  • Proverbs 25:3 - Explain this verse
  • Proverbs 26:25 - What are the 7 abominations?
  • Proverbs 27:4 - Explain this verse
  • Proverbs 30:18-33 - Explain this passage
  • Proverbs 31 - What is the virtuous women a picture of?
  • Ecclesiastes outline
  • Ecclesiastes 2:21, 23, 26 - Explain these verses
  • Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 - Explain this passage
  • Ecclesiastes 3:1 - Is this to Israel?
  • Ecclesiastes 3:8 - Does God hate?
  • Ecclesiastes 5:3 - Explain this verse
  • Ecclesiastes 12:7 - all spirits go back to God
  • Ecclesiastes 12:7 - Explain this verse
  • Song of Solomon outline
  • Song of Solomon 1:5 - Is this the same woman as I Kings 1:2?
  • Song of Solomon 2:10-13 - Is this a reference to the Rapture?
  • Song of Solomon 2:14 - What are the secret places?
  • Song of Solomon 4:3 - What does the "thread of scarlet" represent?
  • Song of Solomon 4:1-16 - Explain Song of Solomon 4:1-16
  • Song of Solomon 7 - Why is he comparing her to these things?
  • Song of Solomon 8:8-10 - Explain this passage
  • Isaiah outline
  • Isaiah 1:31 - Explain this verse
  • Isaiah 6:13 - Explain this verse
  • Isaiah 7:15 - Why does it say "butter and honey"?
  • Isaiah 14:12 - Is this a cross reference to Genesis 3?
  • Isaiah 17:1-5 - Is this passage talking about what's happening in Syria right now?
  • Isaiah 19:23-25 - Why does God call Egypt blessed?
  • Isaiah 20 - Why was Isaiah naked?
  • Isaiah 24:13 - Is this verse talking about the rapture of the Tribulation Saints?
  • Isaiah 34:14 - Explain this verse
  • Isaiah 34:5 - Explain this verse
  • Isaiah 34:8-10 - Will there be a lake of fire in the Millenium?
  • Isaiah 42:9 - Explain this verse
  • Isaiah 45:7 - How can God do both of these things?
  • Isaiah 50:7 - Explain this verse
  • Isaiah 63:2 - Will Jesus' garments already be stained with blood when he comes at the Second Coming?
  • Isaiah 65:20 - Explain this verse
  • Isaiah 65:25 vs Genesis 3:14 - serpent eating dust
  • Isaiah 66:14 - Explain this verse
  • Isaiah 66:24 - Explain this verse
  • Isaiah 66:24 - Is this a specific place on earth?
  • Isaiah 66:24 - Who are these people and where are they?
  • Jeremiah outline
  • Jeremiah 4:23-31 - Does this passage prove the gap between Genesis 1:1-2?
  • Jeremiah 5:6 - What are the lion, wolf and leopard?
  • Jeremiah 5:6 - Explain Jeremiah 5:6
  • Jeremiah 7:18 - Who is the queen of heaven?
  • Jeremiah 13:1-10 - Explain Jeremiah 13:1-10
  • Jeremiah 31:22 - Explain this verse
  • Jeremiah 48:10 - Explain this verse
  • Lamentations 1:3 - Why does it say that Judah is in captivity when they are not yet?
  • Lamentations 3:27 - What does "bear the yoke" mean?
  • Lamentations 5:8 - Who are the "foxes"?
  • Lamentations outline
  • Ezekiel 1 - Explain this passage
  • Ezekiel 2:10 - What is the roll and why was he told to eat it?
  • Ezekiel 4:5-6 - Why does God tell him to lay on his left and right sides?
  • Ezekiel 8:14 - Who is Tammuz?
  • Ezekiel 14:21 - Do these 4 judgments line up with the ones in Revelation?
  • Ezekiel 16 - What is the context of this chapter?
  • Ezekiel 19 - What is the context of this chapter?
  • Ezekiel 20:25-26 - Explain this passage
  • Ezekiel 28:13-16 - Lucifer was "the anointed cherub that covereth"
  • Ezekiel 31:3 - What is the cedar of Lebanon?
  • Ezekiel outline
  • Daniel outline
  • Daniel 1:1-8 - Explain the Evil Day
  • Daniel 1:4 - Are these things we should strive for?
  • Daniel 2:31-35 - How do these kingdoms line up with the present day nations?
  • Daniel 2 vs Daniel 7
  • Daniel 4:34 - If Nebuchadnezzar is a type of the antichrist, why is he giving praise to God?
  • Daniel 9:27 - Who is the "he" and what covenant is he referring to?
  • Daniel 10:5 - Who is the "certain man clothed in linen"?
  • Daniel 11:1-15 - What are these kingdoms of the north and south?
  • Daniel 11 - Who are the north and south kingdoms?
  • Daniel outline
  • Explain Daniel 11
  • Daniel 12:11-12 - What is the "abomination of desolation"?
  • Hosea outline
  • Hosea 2:3 - Explain this verse
  • Joel outline
  • Amos outline
  • Amos 1:9 - What is the "brotherly covenant~S?
  • Obadiah outline
  • Jonah outline
  • Micah outline
  • Nahum outline
  • Habakkuk outline
  • Zephaniah outline
  • Zephaniah 1:10 - Explain this verse
  • Haggai outline
  • Nehemiah outline
  • Obadiah outline
  • Habakkuk outline
  • Haggai outline
  • Hosea outline
  • Hosea 2:3 - Explain this verse
  • Zechariah outline
  • Zechariah 3:8 - Why is branch capitalized?
  • Zechariah 3:9 - What is the stone?
  • Zechariah 5:7 - Who is this woman?
  • Zechariah 11:7 - Explain what Beauty and Bands are
  • Zechariah 13:5-6 - Why does he say "husbandman"?
  • Zechariah 14:16 - Who are the people in the Millenium?
  • Malachi outline
  • Malachi 1:11 - Explain Malachi 1:11
  • Matthew 1:20 - Does this tie in with Joseph from the Old Testament?
  • Matthew 4:2 - It says Jesus fasted 40 days, did he do anything else during this time?
  • Matthew 4:24 - 3 categories of problems
  • Matthew 5:21-22 - Explain Matthew 5:21-22
  • Matthew 8:12 - Who are the "children of the kingdom"?
  • Matthew 10:29-31 - What does a sparrow represent?
  • Matthew 13:4 - What kind of seeds are these?
  • Matthew 15:22-28 - Is Jesus calling this woman a dog & what does it picture?
  • Matthew 18:21-22 - What is the significance to seventy times seven?
  • Matthew 19:23 - Why does he mention both the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
  • Matthew 22:1-12 - Explain this parable
  • Matthew 24 - Explain the dual application of this chapter
  • Matthew 25:1-12 - Parable of the virgins
  • Matthew 25:25 - Is this verse about the Second Coming?
  • Matthew 25:31-46 - What is the context of the sheep and goats?
  • Matthew 26:40 - Why did Jesus only mention Peter?
  • Mark 3:17 - What does "Boanerges" mean?
  • Mark 5:15 - Is the only man possessed by the devil the Son of Perdition?
  • Mark 7:25-30 & Matthew 15:22-28 - Is Jesus calling this woman a dog & what does it picture?
  • Mark 7:34 - Explain this miracle
  • Mark 9:38 - Was it wrong for this person to cast out devils?
  • Mark 14:22-23 - Is the Lord's Supper and Communion the same thing as Transubstantiation?
  • Luke 1:24 - Why did Elizabeth hide?
  • Luke 2:36 - Who is Anna is this passage?
  • Luke 4:13 - How long was the season that the devil departed from Jesus?
  • Luke 9:26 - Are these 3 different glories?
  • Luke 9:27-30 - Why was Jesus transformed twice?
  • Luke 10:18 - Why does Jesus say he "beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven"?
  • Luke 12:5, Matthew 10:25 - Who is this referring to?
  • Luke 13:1 - Explain this verse
  • Luke 14:26 vs Matthew 22:37-38 - How do you reconcile these two verses?
  • Luke 17:30-36 - How/When does this take place?
  • Luke 23:12 - Why were Pilate and Herod now able to be friends?
  • John 2:1-11 - Explain John 2:1-11
  • John 2:6 - What does "purifying of the Jews" refer to?
  • John 2:10 - Explain John 2:10
  • John 2:18-22 - Are the Jews confused about which temple Jesus is referring to?
  • John 5:4 - Explain this verse and what troubling the waters means
  • John 12:3 vs Luke 7:37 - Is this the same story?
  • John 13:27 - Is this a picture of something?
  • John 14:2 - What are these "mansions"?
  • John 15:6 - Who are the men?
  • John 16:16 - What does "a little while" mean?
  • John 16:23 - Explain this verse
  • John 19:23 - Why didn't they rip the garment and why didn't it have seams?
  • John 19:7 - What's the Old Testament law Jesus broke?
  • John 20:17 - Why couldn't they touch Christ?
  • John 20:21-23 - Explain this passage
  • John 20:2 - Who is the "other disciple"?
  • John 20:7 - Explain why the napkin was separate
  • John 20:7 - Why was the napkin separate from Jesus' body?
  • John 21:18-23 - What is Jesus saying to Peter?
  • Acts 1:20 - What scripture is he quoting?
  • Acts 1:6-8 Explain this passage
  • Acts 1:9 - Is this cloud a spaceship?
  • Acts 2:13 - Explain Acts 2:13
  • Acts 2:46-47 What salvation is this talking about?
  • Acts 5:1 - Explain this story
  • Acts 6:15 - Why would he have "the face of an angel"?
  • Acts 7:55 - Why is Jesus standing?
  • Acts 8:9-22 - Was Simon the Sorcerer saved?
  • Acts 9:10 - Is this a different Ananias than the one in Acts 5?
  • Acts 9:36-43 - Explain this story
  • Acts 9:7 vs Acts 22:9 - Explain the difference
  • Acts 9:7 vs Acts 22:9 - Why does he say different things?
  • Acts 12:4 - Why is the word "Easter" used?
  • Acts 13:1-12 - Why did God change Saul's name to Paul?
  • Acts 17, 18 - When Paul and Silas were asked to go to Athens, did they not go right away?
  • Acts 18:18 - What was the vow Paul made?
  • Acts 28:15 - If the 3 taverns is a city, why isn't it capitalized?
  • Romans 1:25 - Who is the "creature"?
  • Romans 1:28 - Explain this verse
  • Romans 2:25 - Can someone use this verse to prove you can lose your salvation?
  • Romans 9:18 - free will vs. God hardening people's hearts
  • Romans 9:25 - Who is Osee?
  • Romans 11:4 - Who are the 7,000 men?
  • Romans 11:20-22 - Explain Romans 11:20-22
  • Romans 14:13 - Explain this verse
  • Romans 15:1 vs Revelation 2:2
  • I Corinthians 1:25 - What is the "foolishness" and "weakness" of God?
  • I Corinthians 1:28 - Explain this verse
  • I Corinthians 2:6 - Who are "them that are perfect"?
  • I Corinthians 2:10 - Explain I Corinthians 2:10
  • I Corinthians 3:16-17 - How would we "defile" our temple?
  • I Corinthians 7:8 - Is Paul saying it's better not to get married?
  • I Corinthians 13:9-13 - What does "know & prophesy" in part mean?
  • I Corinthians 15:29 - What does "for the dead" mean?
  • II Corinthians 2:9 - What are the different things we are to prove ourselves in?
  • II Corinthians 4 - 9 concepts from this chapter
  • II Corinthians 5:10 - How does your heart attitude play into this?
  • II Corinthians 5:3 vs Revelation 19:8
  • II Corinthians 6:14 - Can you use this verse for a business partnership?
  • II Corinthians 7:1 - Explain this verse
  • II Corinthians 7:1 - Explain this verse
  • II Corinthians 7:6-7 - What is the coming of Titus and why is Paul so focused on it?
  • II Corinthians 9:15 - Why is Christ's gift of salvation "unspeakable"?
  • II Corinthians 11:18-23 - Why does Paul say he speaks as a fool?
  • Galatians 1:8 - Were people preaching other gospels during this time?
  • Galatians 4:19 - Explain this verse
  • Galatians 4:26 - Explain this verse
  • Galatians 4:26 - How is New Jerusalem "mother of us all"?
  • Galatians 5:17 vs I John 3:9 - Why do you ask forgiveness for your flesh when it sins, when your flesh isn't saved?
  • Galatians 5:21 - Explain this verse
  • Galatians 5:22 - Why is fruit singular?
  • Galatians 6:14 - Explain this verse
  • Ephesians 4:11 - Are these Apostles the same as Disciples?
  • Ephesians 4:30 - What does it mean to grieve the Holy Spirit?
  • Ephesians 5:22-23 "For the husband is the head of the wife" - Is this physical, spiritual or both?
  • Philippians 1:9 - How does love abound in knowledge and in judgment?
  • Colossians 1:1 vs 1:4 - Why is it "Jesus Christ" then "Christ Jesus"?
  • Colossians 3:1 - Why give thanks to God and the Father?
  • Colossians 3:8 - What is "filthy communication"?
  • Colossians 3:16 - What are psalms, hymns and spiritual songs?
  • I Thessalonians 2:13 - What is the "cause" he's referring to?
  • I Thessalonians 5:22 - Explain this verse
  • II Thessalonians 2:9 - What are the "power and signs and lying wonders"?
  • II Thessalonians 2:11 - Explain II Thessalonians 2:11
  • I Timothy 5:24 - Explain this verse
  • II Timothy 3:16-17 - Are people still receiving inspiration from God?
  • Hebrews 6:7-8 - Explain this passage
  • Hebrews 9:27 - Can you use this verse when someone says they died, went to heaven and came back?
  • Hebrews 11:1 - What is the "substance of things hoped for"?
  • Hebrews 12:15 - 8 similarities between roots and bitterness
  • James 1:13 - What's the difference between tempted and tried?
  • James 2:21 - Is this verse talking about works for salvation?
  • James 5:7 - What is the early and latter rain?
  • I Peter 2:12-16 - Explain this passage
  • I Peter 4:10 - What is the manifold grace of God?
  • II Peter 3:4 - Explain II Peter 3:4
  • II Peter 3:5 - Where was the water? Which heaven? Why does Genesis 1:1 list only one heaven?
  • I John 2:18 - Is there more than one antichrist?
  • I John 3:8-9 - How does someone born of God not sin?
  • I John 4:1 - How do you "try the spirits"?
  • I John 4:6 - What is the "spirit of error"?
  • I John 5:7-8 Explain this passage
  • I John 5:14-15 - Explain these verses
  • I John 5:17 - Explain the second half of I John 5:17
  • Jude 9 - Why were they disputing about Moses' body?
  • Revelation 1:4 - Why is John capitalized?
  • Revelation 1:7 - How will every eye behold Jesus?
  • Revelation 3:5 - Is this verse saying you can lose your salvation?
  • Revelation 3:5 - What does it mean that he's going to not blot out a name from the book of life?
  • Revelation 4:4 - Who are the 24 elders?
  • Revelation 4:6-9 Do these 4 creatures line up with the 4 Gospels?
  • Revelation 4:6 - Why do these beasts have "eyes before and behind"?
  • Revelation 5:6 - What are the 4 beasts?
  • Revelation 5:6 - Who is the Lamb?
  • Revelation 6:5-6
  • Revelation 6:6 - What does "hurt not the oil and the wine" mean?
  • Revelation 6:9-11 - Why were they given robes if they were just souls?
  • Revelation 6:9 - Are these souls in "limbo"?
  • Revelation 6 - Explain what the 4 horses represent
  • Revelation 7:3 - What does "hurt not the earth" mean?
  • Revelation 10:2 - What is the "little book"?
  • Revelation 11 - Who are the two witnesses that are brought back to life?
  • Revelation 12:5 - Who is the manchild?
  • Revelation 13:2 - Who is the beast like a bear?
  • Revelation 17:1-6 - Why is she called the "great whore"?
  • Revelation 17:4 - Is the antichrist going to use the Catholic Church to accomplish his plan?
  • Revelation 20:4 - Are the souls here people from the Church Age?
  • Revelation 21:1 - What does "no more sea" mean?
  • Revelation 21:1 - What sea is he referring to?
  • Revelation 22:11 vs John 20:23
  • Revelation 22:18-19 - Who is this verse for? What group of people?